Worlds Premier Pigeon Manufacturers
How many pigeons do you have? None, right?
Vladamir Putin has millions. And not the inferior pigeons that Hugh Jackman makes in his Hong Kong sweat shop.
By the way, we pay all of our employees a generous wage. Even Soccer star David Beckham our resident window cleaner. All employees also get dental care, childcare, pet care, wig care, and most of all… pigeon care.
Listen the the Biwdt podcast where the CEO’s discuss lyrics from your favorite songs.

“It’s easier to sharpen a worm if you freeze it first.”
“John Menezies”
New EP ‘Living pineapple’
is out soon
4 songs, Grant and Johns EP features an eclectic range of originals and covers.
Pod Quick Picks
Have a listen to John and Grant talk knowledgeably about your favourite songs with these classic selections.
Silly sausage
Yeah you. You are a silly sausage.
Little spaceman
Did you know John and Grant have fought space battles??
summer of 1995
Explore the converstion from this awesome boy band.